Sunday, January 11, 2009

Reflection No.1

The 1st 2 lesson of EIR was a breeze. Workload was definitely manageable. The 1st lesson, I was introduced to the an overview of the subject, a brief on the assignments and the requirements. We formed our own groups and get into a fast get-to-know-each-other. And since my group members are all from my course, we already know each other way before this. Thus, we skipped the introduction of ourselves and went to have some fun from the Ice Breaking lesson planned for us. Before that, a leader has to be chosen and I'm the ONE. I hope it won't be a tough and troublesome task for me as i really have a lot to cope for the another subject running concurrently with EIR.

In-class lesson is not really a lesson to me. Ms Faridah went through the slides rather briefly as she expected us to go through the ppt before class. The rest of the time was used to do our work and for consultation. This is one unique teaching style. Time is fully maximized. If you are make use of the time in class and finished your work, you can focus on the other subjects you have and REST when you get home. What a blessing =).

Setting up the blog was not as draggy as i thought it would be initially. With my old perpestive of blogging, i went on to create 1 and published my post. Well, it's not as bad as i thought it would be as whatever my posts here will be all about my school work.

Part 2 of the assignment is to look for information from different resources and identify the type of purpose/information those particular website offer. And that I know, i can look for answers to my questions not only from just Google, i can look for it in forum and blogs even. It's amazing how these sources can offer you information you need. Maybe some are not relevant but most is definitely helpful. Through this exercise, I've found a few website that offer a lot of information to my research topic, be it personal or organizational. In a nut-shell, it helps.

The following are some of the sources i found for my topic.
Cancer Research UK
Personal Blog of a Simple Doctor from India


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