Monday, January 19, 2009

Reflection No.6

Today's class started off with Ms Faridah checking the progress of our Portfolio Part 1. After that, we were introduce to the new practical as well as the start of Portfoolio Part 2. was mainly the subject we've been through today. We were all in groups with assigned roles. My group took up the role as the Prime Minister and we are to share our thoughts in the view of the Prime Minister. Frankly speaking, I really wonder how will the Prime Minister react to However, I believe he will feel insulted at times but still let it go unless it's too oerboard. Personally, i really like that website. It shows the essences of singaporeans, very real, very original. I feel that it's a reflection of our own culture. Entertaining and hilarious, that web can really let one relax from the stressful world of work and studies. talks about everything. A funny and comedy web which promise to deliver laugthers and smile to anyone who reads it. =)


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